No bullshit (No more faking, Part 3)

So back in October I sent in my story ‘No more faking’ a lot has changed since then. For starters we parted our separate ways on 06.01.2021. At the time I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy with the decision and thought it was the best thing for both of us but at the same time I was scared to be on my own for the first time in 3 years. I have been through every stage of the break up denial, anger and finally acceptance. This lockdown has 100% made me realise how important self-love and enjoying time to yourself is and how important it is to not settle for less than you deserve or put up with people’s bullshit. You have to love yourself before you can even consider loving someone else ❤️ so thanks to lockdown I have found self love.


Waiting and seeing


Gut instincts