Blessing in disguise
My boyfriend of 4 years and I were coming to the end of 6 months of travelling when we had to rush home due to coronavirus. We were living together before but we gave up our apartment before we left. We arrived back in the UK the day lockdown restrictions were announced and both went to stay with our respective parents 2 hours away from each other. At first it wasn't too hard, if I'm honest I think we both welcomed a bit of breathing space after spending 24/7 together for close to 6 months. But as the days passed and it became obvious that lockdown was going to be way longer than either of us anticipated it got a lot harder.
The stress, uncertainty and general groundhog day feeling made it really hard to keep up any semblance of what our relationship would normally look like. Everything in our lives had done a total 180 in the space of a few weeks, and now our relationship, usually a sanctuary during life's ups and downs, was different too.
It was a really hard time, but when we saw each other again after more than 3 months it was the most wonderful thing. It was like a giant confirmation of everything I love about him.
In hindsight the time apart actually may have been a little blessing in disguise as it forced me to deal with some things I'd been avoiding in my own head for a while. He's also told me he was grateful of the time he got to spend with his parents, which is a rarity in normal life. Times were tough for a while but if this experience has shown me nothing it's that absence definitely does make the heart grow fonder.