Things were rocky before lockdown, as I started to realise we did not want the same things in life, and were different people. He moved into my place the day lockdown was announced, and in those first couple months we flourished. However things soon reverted back to normal, I was not fulfilled emotionally, it felt like we were playing games with each other’s mind. A few months into lockdown we broke up, and have been on and off for the last few months. Right now we’re trying again, the love I have for him his something I can’t describe, our connection is unmatched, however being back together resurfaces old wounds for me, I feel hurt again and he doesn’t done anything (new). He blames lockdown, if it hadn’t have happened we’d still be perfect. I thank lockdown…the intensity revealed these traits in him. I’m a hopeless romantic desperate for that fairytale and clinging on to this spark we have, but my head is telling me to remember the person he became. People don’t change.