The lockdown heartbreak story
Have you ever thought that someone was the one? That weird feeling you get the moment you see them... it’s kinda like a pure rush that everything is okay. I had this about *****. He was my person and I loved him SO much and probably too much for his own good. We started officially being boyfriend and girlfriend in January after a few months of dating. Together we had plans, hopes and dreams. Then Lockdown hit and things were fine but not seeing him took it’s toll on me- my personal life collapsed, I lost my job, my university time came to an unexpected end and I just relied on him too much for my happiness. I’ve realised now because I was doing nothing the whole of lockdown I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t put as much effort in as me. I became selfish with his love, I just wanted the whole of him. He broke it off on the phone. I cried a lot, I used the fact that we were easing out of lockdown and things would get better. He said that it wouldn’t as he was moving away.
Three months on I think if a pandemic hadn’t been a thing would we still be together? Or was it just the world in its weird way giving me a perfect opportunity to have the time to heal and learn to become more independent again. ( I very much know that corona didn’t happen just for me to learn how to be single again) BUT maybe all this spare time I had helped me sit in this discomfort of loneliness and made me realise you are never really alone and you should never need someone to make you happy even in a pandemic.