Just after lockdown 1, I randomly sent a message to a neighbour and it turned out to be YOU. What were the chances?
We connected on a dating app over 4 years ago. But you never got in touch. I saw you over the years in the same gym, crossed paths while travelling from to/from work - we stole glances but nothing happened, even though I wanted it to. I accepted nothing ever will.
But here we are for the past two months, in the most random manner, connected again! And this time we are talking as neighbours and you are a sweet surprise with your cute messages and efforts to be funny. I wonder if you recognise me from the dating app or the gym? I wonder if I give you butterflies in the same way you give me goosebumps each time your name flashes on my mobile screen? I wonder if anything will ever happen between us? I wonder why God has sent you in my life - will you be my blessing or a lesson? I wonder ....