She was a temp…
As soon as she walked in to the studio, I was transfixed. Not just by her beauty, but as soon as we spoke, her whole chilled vibe, kindness, humour, open nature and creativity. We were totally on the same wavelength, it was almost like meeting a female me, or someone I've known for years.
As she was a temp, it took a little while to meet again. But before long we slid in to eachother's DMs and were talking every day. And shortly after it was apprent to us both that we felt exactly the same way about eachother.
We started having fun at work as it was only us in most of the time, plus two or three more people spread throughout the large building. We would go to empty rooms and different floors to play, pretending that we had stuff to do and needed to help eachother 😆 It was so hot and we thankfully found out that we had the same kiss style too, important!
After a few weeks of this whenever she was in, I stopped working there, and also moved in with some friends. Due to lockdown, we couldn't meet at either of our places, so we took to walking in parks and along the Thames. We would spend all day together, no matter the weather, talking, laughing, hugging, getting it on in nature, drinking 🍻 it's like we were teenagers again, haha!
After I moved in to my next flat on my own, things really heated up, finally we were in a place with just us! Those first few nights when we could finally lay in bed together we're seriously intense, mind blowingly deep, sensual, dirty, playful, loving sex. It was, and continues to be amazing!
She changed my opinion on many things that I had come to believe. I always felt that there were inevitable compromises in every relationship, in terms of personality, sexual desires, interests, approaches to situations, views, aesthetic style, attachment style, temper and so on. Usually there is at least one important thing that doesn't match, but you deal with the mismatch because of other things or whatever. I'm super aware of this stuff even from the start, and I put a subconscious timer on it, but with her, I have never felt this. And she feels the same, it's truly eye-opening 👀
We couldn't get eachother out of our minds. All I could think about was her, no matter what I was doing, the time in between seeing eachother seemed like an age 😅 I felt feelings inside me that I couldn't ignore, and I could tell that she was feeling similar too. I was surprised that I was falling in love with someone so fast, by that point it had only been about 1~1.5 months since we took it to the next level and started to play around.
One day when we were chilling at my pad, I told her I loved her, I think she knew it was coming as she said it straight back ❤️ We had both been feeling this for a few weeks, but of course, you want to be sure 🙃 since then it's been 100000% amazing, same as the day we met and every day since.
Another thing that surprised me is that I felt I wanted to have a future with this girl (normally I just live 100% in the now and value my freedom), get a nice flat, a van for adventures, motorbikes, a doggo, and even... I wasn't totally weirded out with the idea of two other things 😲 not that we actually said those last two things out loud, but it was implied 😆 This was a big deal for me, and her too.
One sad thing is that we only have about 2 months left before I move abroad... Something I have been working on for years, to an amazing country with a world leading company in my industry. This is a big thing hanging over my head... I secured an amazing job in my favourite country, and somehow met my dream girl and soul mate in the country I'm leaving. It's hard to dwell on too much, just have to stay positive and hope for the best, enjoy our time together. Hopefully she'll come and visit soon after, hopefully she will like it there and feel she can integrate, hopefully we will still work in the context of this new environment. It's a lot to ask, and so many unknowns. But our love for eachother and compatibility is so strong that I feel if not now then some day we will be able to be together. Our relationship truly is a mark of perfection in my eyes ❤️