The difference between a boy and a man

We met on tinder in June when lockdown measures started to ease and got along very well. He was exactly my type. We met up for a socially distanced dog walk in the park and clicked instantly. A few hours went by and we went back to the car park where we discovered he had left his car lights on and his battery was completely flat. I had some leads at my house (about 15 mins drive away) so offered to go get them as opposed to him asking his friends who lived 30 mins away. He joined me to drive over to mine. He offered to come inside to my parents so he didn't seem rude or crude waiting outside when they knew he was there. He was polite and charming. On our way back to his car he asked about a second date the following weekend, which I agreed. An hour after our depart, he messaged asking to see me mid week as he had a half day. We went for dinner and drinks and really had sparks flying. We spoke about what we wanted, he made comments about helping me move into my new placewhich was another 3 months away. He spoke about possibly being deployed in October and would this affect is dating. To me it did not. To say thank you for helping him with his car he drove from his to mine (half hour) to where the restaurant was (20mins) and back to drop me off. In the car he asked for a third date and I said yes but only if we seal the deal with a kiss. It was strange how easy and comfortable it was with him on date #2. Date #3 was dinner and drinks on the Saturday night followed by an 'adult' sleepover 👀 he even got out a spare t-shirt for me to sleep in and offered breakfast. We stayed in bed watching Netflix till midday before he drove me home and got McDonald's. He asked to come in and we sat talking with my mum for a while and then he suggested playing cards. He didn't leave mine on the Sunday until 4pm. The perfect gentleman. The days that followed however, were confusing. Monday I went into work and he called me to ask how it was and wish me luck.Tuesday we spoke on the phone and texted as normal. Wednesday we didn't speak much as he had physical tests and assignments. Thursday, no contact. Friday I messaged him a safe drive back to his home town in which he said he would call me later that evening. I never ever heard from him again. He ignored my messages but watched my insta stories from the weekend. Even my text slightly worried he didn't bother to reply to. I have no idea what changed or what had happened except for the fact I had been ghosted. What baffles me is he was just in it for one thing, why all the effort and graft? Why not disappear the following day rather than a week later? It's a shame people can't respect another enough to give an explanation. I guess it's the difference between being a boy and a man. That is my lockdown love story and I am happier than ever on my own :)


Catching feelings… and flights


Without you