The icing on the ICU cake

I’m a nurse on Intensive Care. He started working as a doctor on my unit just before the first wave of the pandemic. I’ve never been into cringe but I knew from the first time I saw him there was something there, I’ve never had one of those moments before. 
He’s not an outgoing guy and everyone thought he was shy but we got on like a house on fire. Then he let slip he had a girlfriend. Actually, I basically had to force it out of him. 
Fast forward a few months, he was due to rotate to his new job and he caught me in the store room and asked me if I wanted to go for a drink. I was confused but agreed, turns out him and his girlfriend had broken up at the start of lockdown but then were stuck in lockdown together, apparently the love hadn’t been there for months. I told him if he wasn’t ready that was fine but I wasn’t that girl, he reassured me he was. 
We had a great 3 months, I opened up to him and it was just easy. I hadn’t let anyone in in a very long time. He was the happiness I had found in such a horrible time. 
Then something changed, I asked him what was wrong and he said nothing. Then it all came out, he wasn’t ready. It wasn’t her but it was all going too fast for him. He said he wished we could wait a few months. I thought he respected me more than that. I feel so stupid.
Oh, did I mention that his ex has rotated onto my unit as a doctor now as well? The icing on the cake.




One year of you