The last one
The last one of my child-free friends got pregnant and had her baby during lockdown. We’ve been trying for three years now and at our 13th March 2020 appointment we chose to postpone our IVF referral for 2 months to wait for our perfect clinic to get its NHS funding. Or so we thought. Lockdown closed clinics, brought delays. Tests “expired” and needed redoing. Waiting lists grew and grew. I silently struggled watching my friends with newborns and growing bumps. The Mum Club. Then suddenly things were moving again. Scans, injections, tablets, injections, scans, injections. Egg retrieval. And after all of that. One single little embryo.
Next month we transfer our one and only embryo and pray it sticks around.
Lockdown has been tough but IVF has made me fall in love with my body and everything it can endure.