
We’d been connected on Instagram for 5 years, intermittently liking each other’s posts but never really talking (even though we were from the same home town). Then, finally, in the height of lockdown in June I reached out after a drunken Zoom birthday party and coaxed you into a FaceTime call. It lasted 5 hours.

The next night it was 6 hours. And every call after that got better as we broke down the barriers of communication and awkwardness simultaneously.

We eventually met a week after that and I was so relieved that the vibe between us was definitely alive in real life. Then, I casually brought up the elephant in the room. The fact you had a photo of yourself with a girl on your Instagram, posted a few months before we started FaceTiming. You told me she was a mate, I didn’t believe you but I let it go.

Now, 5 months after we started talking we’ve reverted back to just 2 people who follow each other on Instagram. The vibe is still there, but so is your girlfriend.


One year of you

