10 year anniversary
I don’t know if you want to hear this but here it is. I met you when I was working in a bar , you dropped down on the bar next to me and rolled your eyes and told me your friend had dragged you there you cracked me up from the start . We chatted and I gave you my number and your text me as you walked out the door. You are the only man who made me feel beautiful, you knew me, your loved me. You were funny as hell and everyone loved you ... you were big and tall and made me feel safe the way I loved you hurt . I loved you . I love you. ... after four years I lost you in a plane crash and I can not describe the pain of your loss . It stays with me and is with me through this entire lockdown. In May this year it is 10 years and the familiar ache of losing you has been hanging around. However the strength I have gained and the passion to live life for you has got me through. I am fortunate I was loved and I have loved . I do so miss you my man, my best friend .