What I’ve tried: 3

Things didn't work out- he moved abroad and the logistics became impossible. He called things off and I felt the full force of heartbreak.

In the aftermath of the break up my friends and family propped me up:
They texted and called
They met for endless coffees
They allowed me to exist in their homes so that I wasn't alone with my thoughts
They partook in hours of break up analysis
They always found time to check how I was doing
They sat whilst I cried and allowed me to grieve without judgement
They threw suprise parties and took me on holiday
My mum cuddled and consoled in a way only mums can
They distracted me and teased me, one time they even did my laundry
They turned blind eyes when I couldn't concentrate at work
They bought friendship bracelets and ridiculed my rebounds
They wrote cards and sent little messages to cheer me up
They opened up about lost love in thier own lives
They gave advice and perspective
They made me smile
They made me laugh
They brought me joy (even when I was still really, really quite sad)
They allowed me to remember that I don't need a romantic partner to be whole and happy and valuable.

I have never felt more loved than in the midst of my heartbreak. This is not a story about heartbreak, it's a love story. A love story I feel so lucky and grateful to be a part of.


Hard & Fast: Part 2


Over the car bonnet: the update