
We met in the summer a few weeks after the end of Lockdown 1.0. Our first (and techinically, our only date) was on a gorgeously warm day in the park. We chatted and laughed and ate until a few drops of rain fell from the sky. I wasn't sure whether there was a spark, but I was interested enough to decide I would go on a second date of asked. Except you didn't. 

Instead you said you were no longer dating, some recent news having suddenly sent your life into a tailspin. We agreed we'd be friends, after all it had only been one date; and I wasn't even sure I fancied you. 

Except, as we've spent many days each week 'hanging out' as friends, I find myself developing feelings for you. I sometimes think you have them for me too. I know you're attracted to me, the physical evidence of that is all too obvious at times. And obviously you enjoy spending time with me. Maybe I am naïve in hoping that is enough to change your mind.

This isn't the first time bad timing has thwarted a connection that could have been something beautiful. When will the time be right for me?


Hinge guy

