I got your message after a year.
Today a year ago we were seeing each other for the last time before I started to move on. I ignored all messages, sent a letter to finally find peace and in reply got back a weird message from a guy who doesn’t have balls. Since then I built myself up and moved on for sure!
This new message was genuine and you really wanted to ask me how I am and you were thinking of me… A couple of days later I bumped into you. My heart was beating so fast and I was so nervous. I smiled at you, talked and had the strength to look over the past and walked towards you - everyone else would have walked away. I looked and felt good and I realized that you’re the same old person as before who hasn’t developed and the “conversation” was superficial and empty. I didn’t lose - I really won. I won myself back and I did not fall for your empty words. All the best to you even if it hurts and I still feel for you but it’s empty x