
It drove me insane that I never knew what you wanted.
I drove you insane asking to be wanted. 

It drove me insane that you never replied to the important messages. 
I drove you insane with long, important messages. 

It drove me insane that it was you who wanted this originally. 
I drove you insane not wanting this originally. 

It drove me insane that it took so long for you to tell me that you didn't want me. 
I drove you insane accepting you didn't want me. 

It drove me insane that you kept texting; asking to meet, always drink, never kiss, nor touch. 
I drove you insane not texting, sometimes meeting, always drinking, never wanting to kiss, nor touch. 

I hope it drives you insane that I now know my worth. 
I hope it drives you insane that I had a re-birth. 

I hope it drives you insane that you'll never know. 
I hope it drives you insane that we never will.


Best decision of 2020

