Shooting stars
In March 2020, at the very beginning of the first lockdown I discovered that my partner who lived with me, was cheating. It was a joke of a relationship anyway so needless to say, I called it quits and he moved out. My platonic male friend and his sister would pop over a couple of evenings a week so I had some company, under the pretence that we were sitting in the garden, very socially distanced, round my fire pit (I didn't even have a fire pit). Cut to 21st April and there was the Lyrid meteor shower. Having never seen a shooting star before, he said we should all sit out in my garden and see if we could spot a couple. On that day I got a message from him to say it would be just him and would that be OK. Erm. Absolutely. Suddenly my belly was filled with the most excited and nervous butterflies. I knew I'd started to develop feelings for him but didn't know if he felt the same. That night laid next to each other under all of the blankets, we watched shooting star, after shooting star, making wishes on each one. We awkwardly fumbled with each others hands under the blankets and I wished upon a shooting star that he would kiss me. We stayed out until 6am just chatting and watching, when he had to leave for work. That next day I knew that everything had changed. It took a few days for that kiss wish to come true, but one night, sat on the sofa, he finally turned to me, took my face in his hands and kissed me. 14 months later we are very much in love and I can't believe how much a shooting star has changed my life. Oh and we finally bought a fire pit last month to try and undo the fire pit lie!