From Melbourne with love
I met my boyfriend just over a year ago... The night before Melbourne plunged into a 112-day lockdown. My plan was to spend the evenings binge-watching Netflix and eating ice cream, not picking out ‘date night’ outfits and falling in love. But in the middle of a pandemic, you can't predict what life’s going to throw at you!
We first connected on Bumble… So here’s a shout-out to Bumble Australia for yet another successful love story! We chatted non-stop for a month before deciding to have dinner, just before the Melbourne stay at home orders began.
Inviting a handsome, (almost) stranger over was very unlike me (there’s nothing wrong if you do, it’s just a personal choice) but, whether it was the looming lockdown restrictions or a message from my subconscious, this felt different and I decided to trust my gut and go for it!
As soon as we met, we clicked and things got very serious very quickly!
Our entire dating experience was flipped around - instead of getting to know each other over a Friday night drink - we dived straight into the deep end and spent evenings deliberating life’s biggest questions and cooking yummy homemade meals together in lockdown.
From the very beginning, we realised we could spend hours and hours in each other's company, and not be tired of one another. Two months later, we were blissfully in love and officially living together!
In one year we’ve done a million things together. We’ve moved house three times, travelled around Victoria, relocated to Brisbane, started a business and more. Plus SURVIVING SIX LOCKDOWNS together!
I will forever be grateful to the ‘stay at home’ orders that gave me the opportunity to slow down, focus on myself and take the time to develop this bond with my partner - something I’m certain I wouldn’t have done… had my life been the old ‘normal’ and I was following my usual busy schedule.
As hard as it was/is living through a global pandemic, for me it had a silver lining. It was the reason I met my special human and I was present for all of it.