I am working on loving me and enjoying every minute of it. So far so good. Have made a bucket list of all the things I want to do before I die. Have realised you only live once and I need to enjoy my life. I need to live for me. Prioritise me and stop worrying about making everyone else happy and stop worrying what other people think. When it comes to loving me, It only matters what I think. I am responsible for me. I have decided to face my fears. I have always loved to sing. So I have joined a band. Go me! I have finally got my ears, nose and Helix pierced. Have always wanted to. What was stopping me? Have also started to slow down. I spent two hours sat still, relaxing and painted my nails. I didn’t feel guilty. I have started spending money on myself. Treating myself. A new coat. Some jewellery. New sexy underwear. Just for me. I enjoy my own company. I have stopped over analysing everything. I have stopped looking too far ahead and too far back. I am loving living in the present!