After the party

It was about a month or so into the UK lockdown when I started chatting to a guy on tinder. He told me in the very first message that he was moving about 7 hours away back to his home town, come September. Usually at this point I wouldn't have replied but his messages were enticing and he seemed genuinely good at holding a conversation. We messaged back and forth for a few weeks, and we would occasionally toy with the idea of meeting up (I know this is wrong re the pandemic) and it wouldn't really work, he would be busy working late (he was a key worker) or I would be up early the next day, etc. And I think we were both just nervous about meeting in the pandemic. 
But then, one random Wednesday evening I was drinking with my dad and was so lonely, just dying for some company from someone my own age, and a bit of a party. I love my old dad but I was feeling very socially deprived after 2 months of barely seeing anyone and working from home in my bedroom. 
I sneakily got a late night cab and went to his house in the middle of the night , we partied and I ended up staying for two days. We went on like this for a couple more 'dates' , getting drunk, sharing intimate and private parts of ourselves with eachother. Soon after , we realized we liked each others company just as much sober and have been inseparable ever since. He is my first proper boyfriend and we have made the most beautiful memories , during the lockdown and after it was lifted. We have been on trips away , camping , swam and kissed in the sea together , he has met my family for dinners , have spent hours curled up in each others arms, have laughed at everything and nothing , tried new things and old things together and generally fallen in love with each other and each others company. 
I cannot believe I found a love so pure during the pandemic and I am happy to say he has rearranged his living arrangements and will be staying with family two hours away so we can continue to see each other over the next few months (he needs to move away for an while for money\work reasons) with the goal of moving in together at the beginning of the new year. The pandemic brought me the most special person at exactly the right time. I never thought I'd get over partying and never thought I'd find a man I want to settle down with , but I have and I've truly never been happier x


Big moves


Thoughts with the situation