
During lockdown my ex-boyfriend contacted me and we began dating again. I found out that he had been seeing a bunch of other women on tinder. 
Shortly after I caught him on a date with someone else, my workplace began to reopen. I work in a garden centre and they needed volunteers to water plants. On one particular day, I was reunited with a previous colleague from the garden centre, as I work in the cafe, I had barely any chance to talk to him while I was on shift in the past. We began to talk and realised we had so much in common, when the day ended we said goodbye and didn’t see eachother for a couple of months as I wasn’t asked to volunteer again. 
A month ago I was taken off furlough and asked to start working in the cafe for the first time since lockdown. For the first few days I didn’t see him at all. About a week later, we had our first shift together and it was like nothing had changed, we had so much to talk about. 
Last week, at the end of my shift, he asked me on a date. We arranged to spend the day at a butterfly garden. The whole thing was perfect, we had the most refreshing and deep conversations. It was like we’d known eachother so much longer than we have. Thing is, I wasted so much of my life accepting any kind of love that I was offered, even if I knew it wasn’t going to help me grow. I was so convinced all I deserved was half assed (mainly sexual) relationships, that I forgot emotional ones could exist. 
People like this man exist! I really feel like the luckiest person. 
I move away for university in two weeks, I have no idea what will happen in that space of time, but it’s exciting. I really hope this works out, but if it doesn’t, I’m just so thankful he’s shown me what a relationship should really look like. Everything about him is so beautiful


Wine drunk


Take two