
I found you sitting on your front lawn- my friend’s neighbour I’d never met before, nor expected to. Lockdown had grounded you. You work in TV and finally managed to step out of the whirlwind and consider what else life had to offer beyond a life on the road. I had guarded my heart for 4 years then you came and stole it with one shy glance. We started dating. You were everything I wanted. I let go of every fear of loving again. I completely adored you. I was the happiest I had been in years and finally felt whole again. Then real life kicked back in. Your first post-furlough job came. I was thrilled for you. I knew you were worried about what happened when the money stopped. You were back in the whirlwind, away for weeks at a time. I didn’t mind. I just looked forward to having you home. You became distant. I became worried. The whirlwind blew off all the glitter it seems. You thought that life in lockdown wasn’t real yet it was the most real thing I’d had in years. You cut me off with no explanation or conversation.My heart that was full is now completely broken. Now I’m back to square one.


The Way I Feel: Part 2


Not ok