It had been 10 years since I last saw her

It had been ten years since I last saw her. 

We met in 2006 when we were naive to our feelings for each other. I fancied her, she fancied me, but we just didn’t act on it. We’ve talked about how the dates we had at the time were the best days of our lives, we just didn’t know it then.

In the ten years since we last saw each other, we’ve been through it all. Every bad thing life can throw at you happened to us. Life was kicking us when we were down, but the things we’ve endured have made us strong individuals.

Last year my ex broke off our engagement. It sent me spiralling into depression and anxiety because of her massive web of lies and deceit. I struggled to cope. The pressures of life overwhelmed me and I withdrew for months.

I got through Christmas and started to feel better about myself. I bought into the ‘New Year, New Me’ vibes. I started to enjoy life again. 

Lockdown hit.

On the Monday I had to go into work and shut everything down. Such an exhausting day. I got home and crashed out. The next day I woke up to the unknown. I’d just reconnected after having a break from social media. With the panic palpable it in the air, I wanted to know my friends and family were safe. I’d made new accounts and started adding people again. I thought to look her up and see how she had been all these years. I messaged her asking how she was. Before I knew it we had been talking all day, our messages getting longer and longer as we really opened up to each other about our lives.

Very quickly, the romance started to pour. We video called each other and it was so amazing to see her beautiful face again. We met up, walked her dog in the park, held hands and kissed each other. It all came flooding back from when we first met fourteen years ago, but this time we were open about our feelings. We loved each other from the start.

It happened on April 16th. Girlfriend. Boyfriend.

We would find any excuse to leave our respective houses just to have five minutes with each other. I dreamed of kissing her all day long. I never took a single second for granted. Things got easier, lockdown eased. The feeling I had the first morning I woke up next to her was indescribable.

I could fill books about what she means to me, how gorgeous she is, all the things we’ve done, but in the shortest time, or longest time if you go back to 2006, we’ve fallen madly in love with each other and we know that this is it forever.

We’re moving in with each other next month and I can’t wait, because the sun rises and sets with her.


Everything happens for a reason


It’s gonna get messy