Last ditch

I met you during the easing of lockdown. During lockdown, I never felt so alone. I could finally take stock of how toxic my family were and the lockdown gave me some much needed distance from them and their behaviour. When I met you, we clicked right away and I adored you when we got to know each other. It took a matter of days to know that  I loved you. You were my last ditch bumble date as I’d given up all hope of meeting someone decent. My one last go brought me to you. Because of previous fakes and phoneys, I thought you were too good to be true. You were true and still are. I can’t articulate into words how much you mean to me. We’re now married and have a 9 week old. I love you now as much as I did day one. When I stopped allowing the toxic elements of family to cast judgement, I found true happiness.


Post Dating Hiatus (Over the car bonnet: 3)


Til death