Message alert
I hate that you have this kind of power and hold over me. I hate that my entire day or mood can be turned around by that message alert. I hate that I’ve become so reliant on your validation. Unfortunately though I love your face. I love your smell. I love the feeling of your arms around me. The way that when I see you or even see your name my heart rate shoots through the roof. I love the new feelings you have evoked in me. Changing my perceptions of how sex should be. Filling that void I didn’t know I had. You’ve opened my eyes to a lot of things and you’ve flipped my world upside down. I don’t have an answer to these feelings inside me. Love and feelings are complicated and I’m frustrated because I know if I could switch them off for you life would be simpler. All I know is I’m sat here waiting for your name to pop up on my phone