Trust Issues
My housemates moved back home during the first lockdown and the guy I was seeing lived alone so we thought, why not make the best of a bad situation and stay in the same household for the foreseeable. We obviously didn't expect the lockdown to last for so long. It was just the two of us in a four bedroom house, and although it was a bit lonely at times we made it work. We would play Scrabble or Monopoly once a week, be a team for zoom quizzes every now and then, and he would bring me a cup of tea in bed every morning. Then I found out he was messaging another girl. We argued, I stormed out and came back to find that he had gone. I was angry and hurt and assumed he had just gone back to his empty flat. I watched Bridget Jones' Diary and cried. The next morning there was a ring at the doorbell, which I thought was odd, as I wasn't expecting anything, but it was him, with waffles. He told me he loved me and that it was a mistake, after all, he had never even met the other girl. We're still together but I have trouble trusting him. I don't want to ruin the relationship with my paranoia, but I think its warranted? Isn't it?